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Posts by category
- Category: All
- DCforEU, FLAGCHIP & HYNET: SuperGrid Institute a major contributor in 3 new international projects!
- Open doors for the Fête de la Science 2024 at SuperGrid Institute!
- Proposition of qualification procedure for MVDC cables
- Dielectric strength of liquid nitrogen for the design of Resistive Superconductive Fault Current Limiters
- The SiCRET + project: understanding & preventing the ageing of SiC modules
- “RDV Experts” from Hydro 21: a unique opportunity to visit our hydraulic platforms
- SuperGrid Institute launches into the next phase of the Network DC project
- Welcome to our new President, Michel Serra!
- A look back at our participation in EPE’2023
- North Sea Wind Power Hub pre-FEED study: DC Control Functional Requirements and Parameter Ranges for HVDC Building Blocks
- Wind Power Hub pre-FEED study: HVDC grid active power loss and restoration requirements based on AC frequency stability assessment
- Energy based and non-energy based control strategies for Modular Multilevel Converter with embedded storage
- Comparison between DC Voltage Droop Schemes and Grid-Following & Grid-Forming Control in AC Systems in View of Interoperability of MTDC grids
- Official launch of the OPHELIA project: a solar canopy demonstrator along the ViaRhôna
- SuperGrid Institute, RTE and MasterGrid signed a promising partnership agreement for the decarbonisation of the electricity industry!
- The “ITE Innovation Project”: a new way of financing innovation!
- An exciting week at Jicable’23!
- Thesis defence replay: “Condition and Health Monitoring of Modular Multilevel Converter for HVDC Grids”
- Wheel spinning fun at SuperGrid Institute!
- Impact of self-sputtering in high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) with helium
- Breakdown Phenomena in Liquid Nitrogen Under Synchronized Transient Boiling and Impulse Voltage
- Pre-Breakdown and Breakdown Phenomena in Liquid Nitrogen With a Tape–Plane Electrode Geometry
- SuperGrid Institute’s technical contributions to the CIGRE 2022
- Spotlight on SuperGrid Institute’s PhDs concluding in 2022
- SuperGrid Institute’s “Stage Dating” 2021
- SuperGrid Institute’s ISO 9001:2015 certification is extended!
- Our 2020 Annual Report is here!
- Seddik Bacha gives keynote address at PCIM Europe 2021 on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities
- Seddik Bacha gives keynote address at PCIM Europe 2021 on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities
- SuperGrid Institute is ISO 9001:2015 certified!
- SuperGrid Institute collaborates with Edouard Branly School’s undergraduate students for their end of year project!
- SuperGrid Institute’s participation at AGP21
- Category: Conference
- Celebrating 40 years of the EPE conferences: don’t miss our experts’ contributions!
- Focus on hydropower: November highlights
- [VIDEO] Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids
- Join us at CIGRE 2024: The leading global event for power system expertise!
- Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids: Showcasing the latest InterOPERA deliverable at CIGRE 2024
- Shaping Europe’s energy future : sharing our strategic vision with the European Commission
- Hybridisation of electrical systems: the advantages of hydroelectricity exposed at Business Hydro
- Sharing our latest news on power electronics at EPE’22 ECCE Europe!
- Feasibility studies for MTDC grids: NSWPH programme showcase
- CIGRE 2022: the countdown has officially begun!
- SuperGrid Institute’s DC circuit breaker goes public at the IEEE General Meeting in Denver
- Sharing our expertise at PCIM 2022!
- Grid flexibility through hydropower at the heart of energy transition: discuss it with us during HYDRO2022 on our stand!
- 1st prize in the Young Researchers Contest at Jicable HVDC’21
- Best Conference Paper Award at IEEE PES ISGT-Europe 2021
- SuperGrid Institute is taking part in the WindEurope Electric City 2021
- Testimonial: Working with SuperGrid Institute from the President of the EPE Association
- Join us at CIGRE e-session 2020 to catch up with our latest research and innovation!
- Michel MERMET-GUYENNET’s keynote speech at PEDS 2019
- SuperGrid Institute presents a brilliant innovation at CIGRE-IEC 2019 in Japan
- Category: Event
- ReHydro: our latest contribution to the European hydropower sector gets underway
- New deliverable for InterOPERA – Functional requirements for HVDC grid systems and subsystems
- Meeting HVDC circuit breaker market needs with GE Vernova
- SuperGrid Institute opens the doors to its hydraulic laboratory at the Hydro 21 “RDV Experts” event
- SuperGrid Institute recipient of the Best Paper Award at PCIM Europe 2023!
- PCIM here we come: sharing our MVDC expertise!
- Spotlight on Jicable’23
- SuperGrid Institute equips itself with a highly performant High Power Source facility, the first of its kind in Europe
- SuperGrid Institute inaugurates its high power source test platform – the first of its kind in Europe
- Successful kick-off of EU-funded project to define technical frameworks and standards for electricity transmission and accelerate the integration of renewable energy
- SuperGrid Institute is coordinator of the European project HVDC-WISE
- [VIDEO] Feasibility studies for MTDC grids: NSWPH programme showcase
- Webinar: Improve the security of hybrid AC/DC power systems by enhancing the operation of your HVDC links
- Our collaboration with RTE has begun with four initial joint research actions
- Tenerrdis and their members visit the institute & discover our laboratories and learning activities!
- SuperGrid Institute is the leader of a work package in the European project READY4DC
- Exchange with the State on SuperGrid Institute’s strategy
- SuperGrid Institute acts alongside Greater Lyon for the future of industry
- Piotr Dworakowski, winner of the Siemens Award Contest
- SuperGrid Institute’s experts are ready for Jicable HVDC’21!
- [VIDEO] A new one-to-one television interview with our CEO, on the set of “Demain Entreprendre”!
- Sharing our power electronics expertise at EPE’21 ECCE Europe!
- SuperGrid Institute honoured at the Premier Cercle 2021 Industrial Property Awards
- Webinar “Unlocking HVDC interoperability”: organisational and contractual aspects of developing multi-vendor HVDC projects
- SuperGrid Institute’s excellence in innovation is confirmed!
- SuperGrid Institute’s first ever Annual Report is now online!
- SuperGrid Institute’s “Technical days”: an event dedicated to our industrial shareholders
- Ahmed Zama honored with the IEEE “Doctorate Laureate” for his thesis work
- Stage dating is back at SuperGrid Institute!
- Raphaël CHASSAGNOUX received the best student presentation prize at IEEE ICDL 2019
- SuperGrid Institute at PCIM Europe 2019
- Relive the SuperGrid Institute inauguration
- Category: Funding
- Category: High Voltage Substation Equipment
- SuperGrid Institute achieves first 50kV DC breaking by combining a superconducting fault current limiter with a circuit breaker
- Glow-to-Arc Transition in Graphite cathode with High-Current Magnetron Discharge
- Present and Future of DC Circuit Breakers for HVDC Grids
- Breakdown and partial discharge in dry air under non-uniform electric field for MVDC applications
- Characterization of the liquefaction properties of fluoronitrile mixtures by a thermodynamic experimental approach
- Ageing behaviour of RIP material under several DC voltages and temperature
- Superconducting fault current limiters: the future of grid protection?
- MVDC circuit breaker: introducing our breakthrough HyBreak technology
- Performance investigation of SF6 free Gas Insulated DC Systems
- SuperGrid Institute, a major partner in the OPHELIA project
- Analysis of corona and surface discharge signals from different non-intrusive sensors
- Electrical Breakdown in Gaseous Nitrogen at Cryogenic Temperature with a Heated Tape Electrode
- Methods for Partial Discharge Calibration in Gas-Insulated Substations for HVDC Power Grids and Charge Evaluation Uncertainty
- Resistive Superconducting Fault Current Limiter modelling applied to simulations of DC grids
- New magnetic sensor for partial discharges measurement applied to HVDC constraints inside GIS
- DC time constant evaluation for HVDC GIS cable accessories
- Characterization and modelling of interface between Epoxy Resin materials and different gases for HVDC GIS cable termination development
- DC time constant evaluation for HVDC gas insulated system cable connection assemblies
- Direct current circuit breaker with adjustable current injection
- On the role of helium metastable measured by time resolved tunable diode laser spectroscopy in high current magnetron discharge
- SuperGrid Institute wins 4 new European projects!
- Influence of Stabilization Time and Post Processing Methods on the Accuracy of DC Conductivity Measurements
- Integration of power flow controllers in HVDC grids
- Partial Discharge Defect Recognition Tool For MV/HV DC Equipment
- Study of the electrical properties of HVDC XLPE cable after type test
- Insulating materials characterization for the development of MV/HV DC equipment
- Partial discharge measurement in DC GIS: comparison between conventional and UHF methods
- Simulation methodology for HVDC cable accessories: focus on oscillating polarity reversal and fast transient overvoltages
- Réseaux epoxy-liquides ioniques : relations structure/propriétés électriques
- Dielectric testing of gas insulated HVDC systems: CIGRE Technical Brochure 842 published with SuperGrid Institute’s input
- Study of high current magnetron impulse discharge
- Dielectric behaviour of an epoxy network cured with a phosphonium-based ionic liquid
- Hyper Power Impulse Magnetron glow discharge
- Numerical simulation of partial discharge current pulse: Comparison between SF6, Fluoronitrile – CO2 mixture and Fluoroketone – CO2 mixture
- Numerical simulation of partial discharge current pulse: Comparison between SF6, Fluoronitrile – CO2 mixture and Fluoroketone – CO2 mixture
- PhD Antoine PEREZ “Study of arc development mechanisms over solid insulators surface in CO2/fluoronitrile gas mixtures”
- [VIDEO] Find out more about the FastGrid project!
- Production of Graphite During the Extinguishing Arc with New SF6 Alternative Gases
- Characterization of Partial Discharges Initiated by Protrusion in HVDC Coaxial Geometry
- Partial Discharge Behavior of Protrusion on High Voltage Conductor in GIS/GIL under High Voltage Direct Current: Comparison of SF6 and SF6 Alternative Gases
- Phd Paolo ERRANTE “Liquid Spray Injection inside the expansion volume of a CO2 High Voltage Circuit Breaker”
- A DC voltage source for long term GIS testing designed by SuperGrid Institute
- Electric field computation for HVDC GIS/GIL spacer under superimposed impulse conditions
- Liquid spray injection in the expansion volume of a CO2 high voltage circuit breaker
- Numerical modelling and influence of defects on space charges in epoxy resin under HVDC stresses
- SuperGrid Institute hosts the 11th Quarterly review of NanocompEIM 2
- Phd Priscillia DANIEL “Electrical properties study of cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables in presence of gaseous cavities aged under DC or DC with harmonic voltages”
- Electro-thermal simulation methodology for HVDC cable GIS termination
- Development and Set-up of a Non-intrusive Technique for measuring Space Charges in Specimens of dc cables
- SuperGrid Institute involved with the National Congress of Dielectric Spectroscopy
- Comparaison de mesures de conductivité obtenues par spectroscopie diélectrique et mesure de courant sous tension continue sur une résine époxy
- New challenges for High voltage transmission
- A New Energy Management Control of Modular Multilevel Converters for Coping with Voltage Stress on Sub-Modules
- PhD Loriane DESMARS “Study of electrical and thermal properties of epoxy-anhydride composite materials for high voltage insulation”
- Virtual capacitor for DC grid stability enhancement
- Category: HVDC Cable Systems
- Subsea Smart Hubs joint industry project kicks off
- Developing marine renewable energies: the institutes bcom, France Energies Marines, Jules Verne and SuperGrid Institute create the Wind Power Alliance
- Superconducting Cable Modelling into Electro-Magnetic Transient Simulation
- Novel leakage current sensor for non-intrusive dielectric state assessment of HVDC cables
- Circuit based implementation of the Universal Line Model in Matlab/Simulink
- Impact of cable modeling in electromagnetic transient simulations of MVDC systems
- Anhydride-free epoxy material for HV insulation
- Nexans and SuperGrid Institute perform their first transient overvoltage test on a 525kV DC cable system
- Distributed subsea substation for Offshore Renewable Energy collection architectures and compliance with metal-enclosed switchgear’s normative references
- Current measurements on HVDC XLPE model cable during type test
- Economic assessment of an innovative farm architecture
- Study of the electrical properties of HVAC EPDM and HVAC silicone rubber under DC constraint
- On the specificities of Medium Voltage cable systems for DC applications
- Non-intrusive space charge measurement on DC cable using the thermal step method
- One approach to methodology for research and development of HVDC cable accessories
- Follow up of space charge distributions in HVDC cable during a Pre-Qualification test using the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method
- Category: Phd
- PhD Mathieu ROBIN: “DC segmentation of electrical grids to improve power system stability”
- PhD Pierre LE METAYER: “Unidirectional High-Ratio DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Sources”
- PhD Gianni BAKHOS: “Management of AC & DC Hybrid Power Systems’ Security: Assessment and Enhancement”
- PhD Diego VELAZCO: “Condition and Health Monitoring of Modular Multilevel Converter for HVDC Grids”
- PhD Cédric Mathieu de Vienne : “Study and implementation of High-Voltage Switch components composed of series-connected SiC MOSFETs to enable MVDC technologies”
- PhD Helena Shourick: “Theoretical contributions to EMT-TS co-simulation”
- PhD Lucas Molina: “Supervisory Control for the reconfiguration of HVDC grids”
- PhD Daniel Gomez: “DC-DC converters for HVDC Heterogeneous Interconnections”
- PhD Shafie REZAYI: “System Integration of hybrid DCCB technologies into selective protection strategies”
- PhD Ritu-Raj Shrivastwa: “Enhancement of flexibility of conventional Hydro Power Plants for faster ramp-rate using Energy Storage Systems”
- PhD Arthur Boutry: “Theoretical and experimental evaluation of the Integrated gatecommutated thyristor (IGCT) as a switch for Modular Multi Level Converters (MMC)”
- PhD Rayane Mourouvin: “Converter control in a power system with high penetration of renewable energy”
- PhD Nicolas MANDULEY “Contribution to Insulation Coordination Studies for VSC-HVDC Systems”
- PhD Nicolas MANDULEY “Contribution to Insulation Coordination Studies for VSC-HVDC Systems”
- Phd Majed Eddine MOUSTAID “Experimental development of a thermosiphon loop for thermal regulation of power electronic devices”
- Phd Ragavendran RAMACHANDRAN “Control and Power Management of an Offshore Wind Power Plant with a Diode Rectifier based HVDC Transmission”
- Phd Juan PAEZ “HVDC Converters for the interconnection of HVDC grids”
- Phd Guilherme DANTAS DE FREITAS “Development of a methodology for DC grid protection strategies comparison”
- Phd Caroline STACKLER “Electronic transformers for railway applications”
- PhD Amjad MOUHAIDALI “Contribution to the modelling of HVDC cables for electromagnetic transient simulations”
- PhD Juan-Carlos GONZALEZ “Transient stability of high voltage AC-DC electric transmission systems”
- Category: Power Electronics & Converters
- A Novel Empiric Model-Based Classification Algorithm for Fault Detection in DC Railway Systems
- Feasibility study and application of electric energy storage systems embedded in HVDC and STATCOM systems
- Design of a single branch of energy storage submodules connected to HVDC systems to support AC grids
- CO2 Footprint of Medium Voltage DC Solid State Transformer
- Methodology to define the arm inductance range in a Modular Multilevel Converter station for HVDC applications based on steady-state and DC pole-to-pole fault
- A DCDC converter for centralized energy storage in HVDC applications
- Linear PV power plant based on MVDC collection network
- Generalized Switching Sequence for Voltage Balancing in a Flying Capacitor DC-DC Converter with Quasi-2-Level Modulation
- Switching losses calculation method for modular multi-level converters using half-bridge submodules
- Comparison of Modular Multilevel Converter and Neutral Point Clamped Converter for MVDC applications
- Protection of radial MVDC electric network based on DC circuit breaker and DC fuses
- Flexible DC-MMC Interconnecting a bipole and a symmetrical monopole
- Asymmetric Dc-Dc Converter for HVDC Heterogeneous Interconnections
- Fault ride through of dc solid state transformer in medium voltage dc systems
- Design and Testing of a Compact Dry Insulated Medium Frequency Transformer Prototype for Medium Voltage Applications
- Towards a Common Mode Current Free Packaging Solution for High Voltage Series Connected SiC MOSFET Switches.
- Design of Oil Insulated SiC Diode Rectifier for an MVDC SST
- New Model-Based Algorithm for Fault Detection and Identification in DC Railway Systems
- The use of a power flow controller to optimise current sharing in parallel HVDC cable connections
- Increasing DC system stability thanks to energy control in MMC based DC-DC converters
- Phase Shifted Full Bridge DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic MVDC Collection Network
- CIGRE 875 « Medium Voltage DC Distribution Systems »
- Test Systems and Models for DC/DC Converters intended for DC Transmission Grid Applications
- Medium Voltage Diode Rectifier Design for High Step-Up DC-DC Converter
- Open-Delta SBC: a New Converter Topology with Low Number of Sub-Modules for MV applications
- Experimental study of the reduction and removal of turn-on snubber and its limiting di/dt clamp inductor for IGCT based MMC submodule using fast silicon diodes
- DC-MMC with reduced number of sub-modules providing fault blocking capability in HVDC Grids
- Unidirectional step-up isolated DC-DC converter for MVDC electrical networks
- Series connected SiC-MOSFETs voltage balancing : two methods with adaptative delays
- Design of a test package for high voltage SiC diodes
- Design Methodology Based on Prebuilt Components for Modular Multilevel Converters with Partial Integration of Energy Storage Systems
- Rapid Evaluation Method for Modular Converter Topologies
- Enhancing voltage rating of standard power modules for harsh environment applications
- Thermal simulations and measurements of 3-phase medium frequency transformer in 100 kW DC-DC converter with 99.2% efficiency
- Case study of dc-MMC interconnecting two HVDC lines with different grid topologies
- PhD Somya Anand: “Study and characterization of insulating material using partial discharge measurements for power electronic applications in HVDC and MVDC”
- Analysis and design of modular multilevel converters with partial integration of energy storage systems
- Modular Multilevel Converter with Embedded Energy Storage for Power Oscillation Damping and Fast Frequency Response – A case study
- Case study of dc-MMC interconnecting two HVDC lines with different grid topologies
- Break-even distance for MVDC electricity networks according to power loss criteria
- Methodology to obtain the specifications and perform the sizing of a power flow controller for meshed HVDC grids
- Modelling and Control of an MMC-HVDC Submodule with Energy Storage for Fast Frequency Response
- Experimental study of an EMI reduction gate-driver technique for turn-off transition of 1.7 kV SiC MOSFET
- Functional needs and potential technologies, to enable the stepwise development of HVDC multi-terminal grids
- Dc-MMC for the interconnection of HVDC grids with different line topologies
- Electrical and optical partial discharge assessment of dielectric barriers in mineral oil and synthetic ester
- A Submodule with Integrated Supercapacitors for HVDC-MMC providing Fast Frequency Response
- A Submodule with Integrated Supercapacitors for HVDC-MMC providing Fast Frequency Response
- Model Parameter Extraction Tool for the Analysis Series-Connected SiC-MOSFETs
- Model Parameter Extraction Tool for the Analysis Series-Connected SiC-MOSFETs
- Measuring small differential-mode voltages with high common-mode voltages and fast transients – Application to gate drivers for wide band-gap switches
- Measuring small differential-mode voltages with high common-mode voltages and fast transients – Application to gate drivers for wide band-gap switches
- Assessment of Aging and Performance Degradation of Supercapacitors Integrated into a Modular Multilevel Converter
- Assessment of Aging and Performance Degradation of Supercapacitors Integrated into a Modular Multilevel Converter
- IGBT Lifetime Estimation in a Modular Multilevel Converter for bidirectional point-to-point HVDC application
- IGBT Lifetime Estimation in a Modular Multilevel Converter for bidirectional point-to-point HVDC application
- Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
- Lagrangian model of an isolated dc-dc converter with a 3-phase medium frequency transformer accounting magnetic cross saturation
- Effective Permeability of Multi Air Gap Ferrite Core 3-Phase Medium Frequency Transformer in Isolated DC-DC Converters
- SuperGrid Institute has achieved a major milestone in the development of 10 kV Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices
- SuperGrid Institute wishes you an electric new year!
- NPC assessment in insulated DC/DC converter topologies using SiC MOSFETs for Power Electronic Traction Transformer
- 3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
- Cost-performance framework for the assessment of Modular Multilevel Converter in HVDC transmission applications
- Requirements for interconnection of HVDC links with DC-DC converters
- Assessment of the Impact of Split Storage within Modular Multilevel Converter
- Interest of using a micro-meter spatial resolution to study SiC semi-conductor devices by Optical Beam Induced Current (OBIC)
- Static and Switching Characteristics of 10 kV-class SiC BJTs and Darlingtons
- Power Hardware In-the-Loop validation of DC-DC power converter for offshore wind energy
- Influence of the operating frequency on DC-DC converters for HVDC grids
- Study of convective condensation in a thermosiphon loop
- Case Study of Non-Isolated MMC DC-DC Converter in HVDC Grids
- Structural Analysis and Modular Control Law for Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)
- Packaging Solution for SiC Power Modules with a Fail-to-Short Capability
- Study of the impact of DC-DC converters on the protection strategy of HVDC grids
- Dielectric properties of ceramic substrates and current developments for medium voltage applications
- Packaging of 10 kV SiC MOSFETs: Trade-Off Between Electrical and Thermal Performances
- Design considerations for the 2- phase cooling system of a 5 MW MVDC converter
- Advanced Electrical characterisation of high voltage 4H-SiC PiN diodes
- Robustness study of 1700 V 45 mΩ SiC MOSFETs
- Category: Press release
- L’INPI distingue SuperGrid Institute parmi les PME les plus innovantes de France !
- Two new educational games Made in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to raise awareness of energy transition
- Grid2030: Red Eléctrica, EIT InnoEnergy, and Elewit have developed three projects on innovative technology to drive the energy transition
- SuperGrid Institute is back on the INPI podium
- SuperGrid Institute, SME Patent Superstar of 2018
- Category: Publications
- Investigations on the Effects of DC Voltage Control on Inertia Provision in HVDC Converter Stations
- Assessment of two DC voltage droop options for small-signal stability in MMC-based multi-terminal DC grids
- MVDC technologies for solar application
- An enhanced static converter with integrated energy storage for pumped storage plants
- A contribution to HVDC protection interoperability through components sizing margin evaluation
- DC Circuit Breaker Feasibility Study – Protection System Design
- Impact of renewable energy generation on power reserve energy demand
- Fault detection and location in floating windfarms with fishbone inter-array architecture
- DC Voltage Stability Analysis and Enhancement for Grid-Forming-Based MTDC Systems
- Managing turbine fatigue while maximizing solar energy use: adding a battery to the system
- Static frequency converter for hybrid pumped storage power plant with integrated energy storage system
- North Sea Wind Power Hub pre-FEED study: DC Protection Functional Requirements and Parameter Ranges for HVDC Building Blocks
- Combined data-driven and model-driven location of lightning strikes: Application to meshed HVDC grids
- From pole-to-ground fault current return paths in a meshed HVDC network to a grounding modelling simplification for protection studies
- Single branch of energy storage submodules to integrate energy storage devices in HVDC systems
- Implications of faults on insulation coordination of dedicated metallic return on bipolar HVDC overhead transmission lines
- An algorithm for DC segmentation of AC power systems targeted at electromechanical oscillations
- Secondary arc extinction in AC/DC overhead lines
- Fault current calculation in MTDC grids considering MMC blocking
- DC segmentation: a promising solution to improve angle stability of stressed power systems
- Transformation of an ovehead AC transmission line into a DC transmission line : A study case
- Solutions for the step-wise development of HVDC-based high power corridors
- A simplified approach to model grid-forming controlled MMCs in power system stability studies
- Convergence acceleration of heterogeneous domain decomposition method for EMT-TS electrical network DAE system
- Techniques for the improvement of the lightning back-flashover performance of double circuit HVDC lines
- Probing Signal Design for Enhanced Damping Estimation in Power Networks
- HVDC grids protection strategies comparison method
- Model Predictive Control for AC/DC Energy Management of a Modular Multilevel Converter Operated in Grid-Forming Mode
- Enhanced LMI-based Damping Control in Power Networks through a High Voltage Direct Current Line
- Over- and Under-Voltage Containment Reserves for Droop-Based Primary Voltage Control of MTDC Grids
- Over- and Under-Voltage Containment Reserves for Droop-Based Primary Voltage Control of MTDC Grids
- Fast fault identification in bipolar HVDC grids: a fault parameter estimation approach
- Fast fault identification in bipolar HVDC grids: a fault parameter estimation approach
- AC/DC Dynamic Interactions of MMC-HVDC in Grid-Forming for Wind-Farm Integration in AC Systems
- Assessment of protection strategy options for future DC grids
- On the Black Start of Offshore Wind Power Plants with Diode Rectifier based HVDC Transmission
- Tuning of Droop Parameters Using Virtual Capacitor Control to Improve Voltage Dynamics
- Pole-to-ground fault protection strategy for HVDC grids under symmetrical monopolar configuration
- SuperGrid Institute’s participation in PROMOTioN’s Work Package 9
- FMEA of a non-selective fault-clearing strategy for HVDC grids
- Energy Control of Modular Multilevel Converters in MTDC Grids for Wind Power Integration
- Analysis of the Lower Limit of Allowable Energy in Modular Multilevel Converters
- Development of a protection strategy for future DC networks based on low-speed DC circuit breakers
- Assessment methodology and performance indicators for HVDC grid protection strategies
- Protection strategy for MTDC grids using SFCLS at converter station output
- Evaluation of HVDC cable impedance and admittance matrices by finite element method
- Technical and economic analysis of the R-type SFCL […] in HVDC grids
- Category: Stabilization & Storage
- Category: Supergrid Architecture & Systems
- Category: Corporate
- Ma Petite Planète: 3 weeks of eco-challenges
- A special Mid-year seminar marking 10 years of collaboration
- Sébastien Silvant received the IEEE PES 2024 Outstanding Engineer Prize for his work on HVDC network interoperability!
- 2024 new year’s celebration for our team!
- [VIDEO] 2023 “Fête de la Science”
- Learn all about electricity with us at the “Fête de la Science” 2023!
- A sunny seminar in Grenoble for the SuperGrid Institute team!
- Quality of Life at Work Week at SuperGrid Institute
- It’s festival time again with the Fête de la Science at SuperGrid Institute!
- “2tonnes” workshop: SuperGrid Institute staff dive into the future to limit CO2 emissions
- “2tonnes” workshop: SuperGrid Institute staff dive into the future to limit CO2 emissions
- SuperGrid Institute shows its commitment to equal opportunities in a mentoring partnership with Télémaque
- Science festival thrills SuperGrid Institute!
- The Fête de la Science is back at SuperGrid Institute!
- My Thesis in 180 seconds: discovering the theses underway at SuperGrid Institute… in just 3 minutes!
- SuperGrid Institute PhD student awarded Fulbright scholarship to work at Virginia Tech
- SuperGrid Institute’s head office & platforms are fully operational!