Our scientific publications
Convergence acceleration of heterogeneous domain decomposition method for EMT-TS electrical network DAE system
We show the pure linear convergence or divergence of the method with respect to the linear operator belonging to the restricted additive Schwarz interface.
Techniques for the improvement of the lightning back-flashover performance of double circuit HVDC lines
This paper addresses issues regarding the lightning back-flashover performance of HVDC lines, especially double-circuit configurations.
Study of high current magnetron impulse discharge
High current density magnetron impulse discharge (HCDMID) could be used in numerous applications like surface deposition, etching...
Dc-MMC for the interconnection of HVDC grids with different line topologies
This paper proposes a new Dc-MMC with a control strategy, which allows the converter to interconnect different line topologies.
Probing Signal Design for Enhanced Damping Estimation in Power Networks
This paper presents a framework for designing a specific probing signal that is able to provide accurate damping estimations with a user-defined variance.
HVDC grids protection strategies comparison method
This paper presents a method to compare protection strategies that can or could be used for HVDC grids.
Model Predictive Control for AC/DC Energy Management of a Modular Multilevel Converter Operated in Grid-Forming Mode
A complete control solution is proposed that uses the Model Predictive Control for AC/DC energy management of a MMC controlled in grid-forming mode.
Enhanced LMI-based Damping Control in Power Networks through a High Voltage Direct Current Line
This paper proposes an output-feedback controller that aims at diminishing these oscillations.
Electrical and optical partial discharge assessment of dielectric barriers in mineral oil and synthetic ester
In this study, different barriers were tested in mineral oil and synthetic ester liquid.
A Submodule with Integrated Supercapacitors for HVDC-MMC providing Fast Frequency Response
This paper proposes a modular DC-DC converter as an interface between the energy storage element and the SM capacitor.