
Our news

Dielectric testing of gas insulated HVDC systems: CIGRE Technical Brochure 842 published with SuperGrid Institute’s input

Thanks to our recognised expertise in this field, we were involved in producing the CIGRE Technical Brochure 842 “Dielectric testing of gas insulated HVDC systems”.

October 14th, 2021|High Voltage Substation Equipment|

[VIDEO] A new one-to-one television interview with our CEO, on the set of “Demain Entreprendre”!

With journalist Jérôme Libeskind, on the set of Demain Entreprendre, Hubert de la Grandière explained the essential elements of our work.

September 15th, 2021|Event, Press release|

Seddik Bacha gives keynote address at PCIM Europe 2021 on HVDC grid challenges, locks and opportunities

The PCIM Europe conference is the perfect place for members of the electrical engineering community to further their knowledge of HVDC.

April 30th, 2021|All, Conference|
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