Our news
SuperGrid Institute equips itself with a highly performant High Power Source facility, the first of its kind in Europe
After 6 years’ work on designing, constructing and performing acceptance tests, our High Power Source test platform has been inaugurated.
SuperGrid Institute inaugurates its high power source test platform – the first of its kind in Europe
The platform is a crucial asset for this transition as it enables the validation of future AC & DC high-voltage equipment.
Successful kick-off of EU-funded project to define technical frameworks and standards for electricity transmission and accelerate the integration of renewable energy
Under the EU’s “Horizon Europe” funding scheme the InterOPERA project will define future interoperability standards for electricity grids.
Nexans and SuperGrid Institute perform their first transient overvoltage test on a 525kV DC cable system
TOV test: the DC cable system successfully passed several sequences of damped oscillating voltage tests at both 350 Hz and 6 kHz.
PhD Helena Shourick: “Theoretical contributions to EMT-TS co-simulation”
This thesis focuses on the development of numerical methods for electromagnetic transients - transient stability (EMT-TS) co-simulation.
PhD Lucas Molina: “Supervisory Control for the reconfiguration of HVDC grids”
This work proposes to exploit the potential of the Supervisory Control Theory in the automation of HVDC grids & management of their reconfigurable behavior.
PhD Daniel Gomez: “DC-DC converters for HVDC Heterogeneous Interconnections”
This thesis studies the dc-dc converters interconnecting High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines with different characteristics.
Two new educational games Made in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes to raise awareness of energy transition
Two educational activities to raise awareness of energy transition and the professions of the future among young students and workers.
Grid2030: Red Eléctrica, EIT InnoEnergy, and Elewit have developed three projects on innovative technology to drive the energy transition
We are proud to have contributed with IMDEA Energy & REE throughout the project “Reduced Inertia Transient Stability Enhancement”.
SuperGrid Institute wins 4 new European projects!
SuperGrid Institute has been extremely successful within the Horizon Europe framework, winning 4 project bids it submitted to the European Commission.