Our news
Shaping Europe’s energy future : sharing our strategic vision with the European Commission
Our CTO Bruno Luscan was recently invited to participate in a workshop to discuss the needs and deployment of carbon neutral power systems.
SuperGrid Institute opens the doors to its hydraulic laboratory at the Hydro 21 “RDV Experts” event
The “RDV Experts” are events organised for members of the Hydro 21 association on key themes surrounding the hydraulics ecosystem.
Sébastien Silvant received the IEEE PES 2024 Outstanding Engineer Prize for his work on HVDC network interoperability!
Congratulations to Sébastien Silvant, who has been awarded the IEEE PES 2024 Outstanding Engineer Prize for his work on HVDC network interoperability!
The SiCRET + project: understanding & preventing the ageing of SiC modules
The aim of the SiCRET+ project is to understand the ageing of power modules in normal and degraded operation, and in harsh environments.
Presenting OpTEAsoft Wind: a new decision-making software to optimise offshore wind-farms’ electrical architecture
Presenting OpTEAsoft Wind, our new simulation software for optimising the design of your inter-array architectures based on your KPIs.
“RDV Experts” from Hydro 21: a unique opportunity to visit our hydraulic platforms
Come and discover our hydraulic laboratory on the 3rd of April at the "RDV Experts" event, organised in collaboration with HYDRO 21.
PhD Pierre LE METAYER: “Unidirectional High-Ratio DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Sources”
A missing piece to connect low voltage DC-native renewable energy sources to an MVDC network is the high ratio step-up DC-DC converter.
PhD Gianni BAKHOS: “Management of AC & DC Hybrid Power Systems’ Security: Assessment and Enhancement”
This thesis studies the opportunities for improving the stability of hybrid AC and DC networks by means of active power control.
That’s a wrap for XFLEX HYDRO: 4 years of improving hydropower flexibility
Within the XFLEX HYDRO project, we have lead the work on market uptake, impacts, benefits & business model, and performed tests on a new turbine technology.
Laying the foundations for multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC projects: READY4DC comes to and end
The READY4DC project concluded, laying essential foundations for the development of Europe’s first multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC project.