Our news
SuperGrid Institute collaborates with Edouard Branly School’s undergraduate students for their end of year project!
Last year, SuperGrid Institute signed a framework agreement with the Digital Department of Edouard Branly School with the aim of developing educational modules in the field of electrical engineering. This year for their final project the undergraduate students from the Digital Department worked on an interactive learning application based on High Voltage Direct Current cable systems and junctions. The final project counts for a significant proportion of the students’ overall credits for the year.
Michel MERMET-GUYENNET’s keynote speech at PEDS 2019
This Tuesday the 10th of July, Michel MERMET-GUYENNET presented a keynote speech at the 13th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2019) in Toulouse, following the invitation of Bernado COGO from the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Institute of Technology (IRT Saint Exupéry). In his paper, Michel MERMET-GUYENNET presented power electronics technologies for MV and HV grids.
SuperGrid Institute’s participation at AGP21
The Association Grand Projects 21 – Major Programmes and Projects for the 21st Century (AGP21) met this Thursday in Versailles to discuss the development of interconnected electricity networks on a global scale. SuperGrid Institute was invited to present its vision and discuss the appeal of multi-terminal HVDC technologies in the design and construction of future energy highways. The subsea node concept developed at SuperGrid Institute was also introduced as an essential building block for extending offshore networks and integrating renewable energies on a wide-scale.
Phd Priscillia DANIEL “Electrical properties study of cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables in presence of gaseous cavities aged under DC or DC with harmonic voltages”
This study aims to examine possible impact of these harmonics in presence of microcavities. Depending on their size and on the electrical field, partial discharges (PD) can occur in these microcavities. Two types of cables have been aged: a medium voltage AC (MVAC) cable with millimetric cavities induced artificially and a model cable with an HVDC XLPE grade.
Raphaël CHASSAGNOUX received the best student presentation prize at IEEE ICDL 2019
Raphaël CHASSAGNOUX received the best student presentation prize for his « Prebreakdown and Breakdown in Liquid Nitrogen under Pulsed Heating for Superconducting Applications » at IEEE ICDL 2019.
SuperGrid Institute involved with the National Congress of Dielectric Spectroscopy
The national congress of dielectric spectroscopy (SDM2) took place at LyonTech on the 6th and 7th of June at the La Doua academic campus. A number of our materials experts attended to present some of the innovative studies that are under way at SuperGrid Institute.
SuperGrid Institute at PCIM Europe 2019
This year, for the first time our presence at PCIM Europe 2019, was noticeable with our stand from 6th to 9th May. At the conference, and as power electronics is at the heart of our innovations, SuperGrid Institute was invited to present during the « Smart Transformers » special session.
Relive the SuperGrid Institute inauguration
If you would like to re-live your day with us, or if you were unable to attend, we invite you to watch this short video to discover the day’s events and our test platforms & facilities.
SuperGrid Institute presents a brilliant innovation at CIGRE-IEC 2019 in Japan
The Energy Management Control of MMC by SuperGrid Institute was presented in Japan this week at the CIGRE-IEC 2019 Conference on EHV and UHV (AC & DC), generating stimulating discussions about this new technology.
SuperGrid Institute’s head office & platforms are fully operational!
Nearly 150 people gathered together on Monday the 8th of April to inaugurate SuperGrid Institute’s headquarters. Our HQ is 5,560 square meters of offices and platforms dedicated to developing technologies: to build the electricity transmission network of the future, and to participate in the wide-scale integration renewable energies within the power network.