Nos publications scientifiques
Modelling of a VSC-Based Multi-Terminal HVDC Network for Dynamic Stability Analysis
Self-commuted Voltage Source Converter (VSC) can significantly extend the flexibility and operability of HVDC system and be used to implement the concept of Multi-Terminal HVDC (MTDC) grid. In order to take full advantage of MTDC systems, its overall behavior must be characterized in quasi static and dynamic states.
Stability criterion for the maximum clearing time of a DFIG
Stability is a primordial concern of power systems. From the generator point of view, it means that the machine must be able to attain an equilibrium state (possibly the pre-fault state) once the system is back to normal operation.
Stability criterion for the maximum clearing time of a DFIG
Stability is a primordial concern of power systems. From the generator point of view, it means that the machine must be able to attain an equilibrium state (possibly the pre-fault state) once the system is back to normal operation.
Optimum power flow control […] Intelligent Grid Management System
The Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is a most promising converter technology for the High Voltage DC application. The complex topology of the MMC requires several additional controllers to balance the energy in the capacitors which are distributed all over the converter.
Energy Control of Modular Multilevel Converter with a Novel Analytic Filter
The complex topology of the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) requires some additional controllers to keep its functionalities. One of the important requirements on the MMC control is to balance the energy stored in the distributed capacitors in the arms on the three legs.
Optimisation des pertes par commutation dans un convertisseur modulaire multiniveaux
Optimisation des pertes par commutation dans un convertisseur modulaire [...]
A Comparative Assessment of […] for Modular Multilevel Converter
Thanks to scalability, performance and efficiency, the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC), since its invention, becomes an attractive topology in industrial applications such as high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system.
A Novel Modular Multilevel Converter Modelling Technique Based on Semi-Analytical Models
In this work, a novel dynamic models for MMC is proposed. The proposed models are intended to simplify modeling challenges related to the high number of switching elements in the MMC. The models can be easily used to simulate the converter for stability analysis or protection algorithms for HVDC grids.
Full-selective protection strategy for MTDC grids […] DC circuit breakers
A novel protection strategy for multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids based on the implementation of breaking modules (BM) with both limiting and breaking capabilities will be presented. It incorporates a resistive-type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) in series with a mechanical DC circuit breaker (DCCB). The proposed arrangement of BMs allows an intrinsic selective fault identification criteria based on the quenching of the SFCL. The fault current limitation reduces the breaking capability, speed and energy requirements for the DCCB. Furthermore, a continuous grid operation can be assured by adding DC inductors and capacitors, assuring a constant power flow during and after the fault event. In this paper, a primary protection scheme is conceptually described and off-line simulation studies performed in EMTP-RV® are discussed.
A Review of Modular Multi-Level Converter (MMC) Modeling for HVDC Application
A Review of Modular Multi-Level Converter (MMC) Modeling for [...]