
Nos publications scientifiques

407, 2018

High Voltage Electrical Properties of Epoxy / h-BN Microcomposites

July 4th, 2018|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Publications|

Two high voltage properties – DC conductivity and AC breakdown strength – of epoxy composites filled with 30 wt% of micron sized hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) are discussed in comparison to neat epoxy.

2202, 2018

Design of a 4-Phase Intercell Transformer Converter for a Space Charge Measuring System

February 22nd, 2018|Publications, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

This paper presents the design of a power electronics converter to produce strong current pulses (about 400A) in the core of a HVDC cable in order to use the thermal step method to evaluate the ageing state of the dielectric component. The described converter uses a magnetic coupler with intercells transformers and is current controlled. Index Terms—magnetic coupler; intercell transformer; high current pulses; thermal step method; dielectrics.

2202, 2018

Design of a 4-Phase Intercell Transformer Converter for a Space Charge Measuring System

February 22nd, 2018|Publications, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

This paper presents the design of a power electronics converter to produce strong current pulses (about 400A) in the core of a HVDC cable in order to use the thermal step method to evaluate the ageing state of the dielectric component. The described converter uses a magnetic coupler with intercells transformers and is current controlled. Index Terms—magnetic coupler; intercell transformer; high current pulses; thermal step method; dielectrics.

1402, 2018

Numerical investigations of ReBCO conductors with high limitation electric field for HVDC SFCL

February 14th, 2018|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Publications|

Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCL) are already in operation in alternative current medium voltage applications and their use in HVDC grids is very promising due to their capability of reducing high short-circuit currents.

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