Liste complète de nos brevets & technologies
Dédié à la création de valeur à partir de son expertise, de ses installations d’essai et de sa propriété intellectuelle, SuperGrid Institute mène des recherches pour répondre aux besoins du marché en développant des technologies pour le réseau énergétique du futur.
Une fois que vous avez sélectionné l’une de nos technologies, nous vous accompagnons tout au long du processus de maturation avant de procéder à la phase finale de transfert de technologie.

Composants haute tension
Accurate estimation of Very Fast Transient Overvoltages (VFTO) in GIS substations.
>> Brochure
High fidelity rational fitting of frequency transfer function with time delay, ensuring model passivity.
>> Brochure
Speed controlled disconnector.
>> Brochure
Parallel RLC Resonator Circuit.
>> Brochure
Bibliographic study.
Development and dimensioning of HVDC GIL and GIS requires deep knowledge on electric field distribution in the gas/solid insulating systems.
>> Brochure
Development and dimensioning of HVDC GIL and GIS requires deep knowledge on electric field distribution in the gas/solid insulating systems.
>> Brochure
For series connected devices.
>> Brochure
Convertisseur & contrôle de haute tension
Evaluating the impact of embedded DC grids.
>> Brochure
Assessment of existing solutions, proposition of enhanced grid forming control and umbilical cable free black start strategy.
>> Brochure
AC-DC system stability control.
>> Brochure
Converter stations coordination principles.
>> Brochure
Fast, precise and robust arm currents control.
>> Brochure
Pipelined bitonic sorting implemented on FPGA.
>> Brochure
Simple device adaptable to any requirement in terms of current and voltage reversibility.
>> Brochure
A novel concept for DC Grid Stabilization.
>> Brochure
Real-time calculation of available energy.
Generic solution for interline PFC devices embedded in HVDC grids.
>> Brochure
Over & Under Voltage Containment Reserves.
Optimal Primary Voltage Control and Voltage Droop Parameter Selection.
>> Brochure
The proposed control law uses some symmetry properties of the MMC to simplify and distribute the control algorithm.
>> Brochure
The work was focused on the development of a working control law for series bridge converter.
>> Brochure
Modelling, control and simulations of dc/dc converters.
>> Brochure
The proposed solution consists in controlling the converter to make the HV current going to zero and using a switch.
A novel distributed supplementary control of MTDC grids for static and dynamic stability enhancement of AC/DC systems, aiming to minimize the interaction with the DC voltage.
>> Brochure
This study helps to design embedded ES-SMs in the converter to provide new functions like ancillary services for power system operation.
>> Brochure
Based on discrete event systems theory and classification of operational states.
>> Brochure
Reconfiguration device for basic Power Flow Controllers to reach all operating areas.
>> Brochure
A solution to enhance the maintenance of the submodule.
>> Brochure
The proposed circuit is based on a “Flyback” type architecture, incorporating the self-starting principle of the power switch control circuit.
>> Brochure
Coupure & protection haute tension
A robust DC grid protection strategy at an affordable cost.
>> Brochure
A novel strategy for HVDC bipole and asymmetrical monopole line fast re-energizaton using half-bridge MMC internal energy.
>> Brochure
An adaptation of the strategy for HVDC lines fast re-energization using half-bridge MMC internal energy for symmetrical monopoles.
>> Brochure
Converter stations coordination principles.
>> Brochure
Symmetric monopole HVDC fault management.
>> Brochure
Feasibility, performance and risk evaluation methods and tools.
>> Brochure
Direct Current Circuit Breaker (DCCB) is a device which interrupts the Direct Current and eliminates a fault in a High Voltage transmission network or Medium Voltage distribution network.
>> Brochure
Cost-efficient HVDC grid protection strategy for networks combining cable and overhead lines
>> Brochure
Ultra-fast single ended protection scheme based on travelling waves.
>> Brochure
Systèmes moyenne tension
Package “Topology studies”.
>> Brochure
Package “Converter control”.
>> Brochure
Package “ Medium Frequency Transformers”.
>> Brochure
Package “ Power modules”.
Package “ Converter”.
A cost-optimised solution to interface the controller.
>> Brochure
Simple device adaptable to any requirement in terms of current and voltage reversibility.
>> Brochure
Partial discharges and breakdown voltage measurements.
>> Brochure
Based on discrete event systems theory and classification of operational states.
>> Brochure
Real-time calculation of available energy.
>> Brochure
Software framework for cost effective design and simulation.
The proposed circuit is based on a “Flyback” type architecture, incorporating the self-starting principle of the power switch control circuit.
>> Brochure
A prototype of a Novec 649 diphasic thermosiphon have been developed to demonstrate principle of operation.
Direct Current Circuit Breaker (DCCB) is a device which interrupts the Direct Current and eliminates a fault in a High Voltage transmission network or Medium Voltage distribution network.
>> Brochure
Package “ Topology studies”.
Package “ Converter control”.
Package “Medium Frequency Transformer concept”.
Package “Power modules & Gate drivers”.
Package “Converter”.
An solution to enhance the voltage whistand rating of commercial power modules.
Partial Discharge verification.
>> More information
Parallel RLC Resonator Circuit.
Package “PiN diodes”.
Contrôle & protection de la moyenne tension
The proposed method allows control of the converter output voltage through regulation of the input current, this control is accomplished by the combined input stage.
The proposed control law uses some symmetry properties of the MMC to simplify and distribute the control algorithm.
>> Brochure
Énergies renouvelables
SuperGrid Institute has patented an active filtering solution, buffering the AC power generated by railway on-board converters supplying traction DC buses through a low frequency transformer and rectifiers.
>> Brochure
A cost-optimised solution to interface the controller.
>> Brochure
Partial discharges and breakdown voltage measurements.
>> Brochure
The proposed method allows control of the converter output voltage through regulation of the input current, this control is accomplished by the combined input stage.
The power electronic traction transformer (PETT) topology is composed of n cells connected in input in series and in output in parallel.
>> Brochure