SuperGrid Institute hosts the 11th Quarterly review of NanocompEIM 2

2021-08-11T17:51:56+02:00July 25th, 2019|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

Since October 2016, SuperGrid Institute has been involved in the NanocompEIM 2 project. The goal of the project is to develop nanocomposites (Nanocomp) for electrical insulation materials (EIM) in order to reduce CO2 emissions and improve system reliability and availability. Financed at 50% by Innovate UK, a government organisation dedicated to research and innovation in the United Kingdom, the overall budget of the project is around 1M£ (1.1M€).

Phd Priscillia DANIEL “Electrical properties study of cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables in presence of gaseous cavities aged under DC or DC with harmonic voltages”

2021-08-11T17:42:28+02:00July 5th, 2019|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Phd, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

This study aims to examine possible impact of these harmonics in presence of microcavities. Depending on their size and on the electrical field, partial discharges (PD) can occur in these microcavities. Two types of cables have been aged: a medium voltage AC (MVAC) cable with millimetric cavities induced artificially and a model cable with an HVDC XLPE grade.

Follow up of space charge distributions in HVDC cable during a Pre-Qualification test using the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method

2021-08-11T16:53:12+02:00June 26th, 2019|Publications, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

In order to better understand the evolution of space charge and electric field distortions during the application of electro-thermal stresses to a HVDC cable system, the present paper shows the follow up of periodic space charge characterizations on a HVDC cable during part of a Pre-Qualification test using both the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method. The focus is on the evolution of space charges distributions during load cycles and high load sequences according to the Cigré TB496 recommendation.

Comparaison de mesures de conductivité obtenues par spectroscopie diélectrique et mesure de courant sous tension continue sur une résine époxy

2023-01-31T13:28:25+01:00June 24th, 2019|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Publications, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

De par sa facilité d’utilisation et sa capacité à isoler la permittivité complexe représentant les pertes dans un matériau tout en faisant un balayage fréquentiel, la spectroscopie diélectrique semble être une méthode de choix pour obtenir la valeur de conductivité ohmique d’un matériau. Cette méthode pourrait permettre de s’affranchir des temps conséquents de stabilisation généralement associés aux mesures de conductivité issues de courbes courant-tension effectuées suivant la norme IEC 62631-3. Par l’intermédiaire d’une comparaison entre ces 2 méthodes, les auteurs vont revenir sur les limites de chacune d’entre elle.

HVDC dielectric material comparison from cable characterizations as a mean for material selection

2023-01-31T13:27:17+01:00June 24th, 2019|Publications, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

The present paper aims at describing the measurement methods applied to mock-up cables in order to evaluate their dielectrics. The focus is on leakage current and temperature measurements together with the processing based upon them to assist in the selection of the more appropriate material.

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