Subsea Smart Hubs joint industry project kicks off
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
SuperGrid Institute will be working with partners from across Europe to shape the future of transmission & distribution grids.
Proposition of qualification procedure for MVDC cables [...]
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France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute annoncent la création de l'Alliance Eolien.
The European project SCARLET aims to study and realize a demonstrator of a MVDC high-power superconducting cable.
Dans le cadre du projet OPHELIA, SuperGrid Institute aura notamment la responsabilité de fournir des transformateurs électroniques DC pour le démonstrateur.
An exciting week at Jicable'23! [...]
GIS cable terminations present a complexity of geometry and material assembly that makes their design challenging.
This paper proposes a monitoring principle based on leakage current measurements to monitor the state and health of HVDC cable dielectric.