Ocean DEMO awards: SuperGrid Institute is selected for EU funded project
Thanks to the Ocean DEMO’s support packages, we will be able to test our innovative offshore technology in real marine environments.
Thanks to the Ocean DEMO’s support packages, we will be able to test our innovative offshore technology in real marine environments.
Our project Octopus is one of five innovation be selected for further development following the Sea-GRID Call for Expression of Interest.
SuperGrid Institute présent pour la deuxième année consécutive sur le podium des déposants de brevets en France, dans la catégorie PME!
We are very excited to be able to share our first ever annual report with you!
The XFLEX HYDRO project was launched today, the 10th of December, during the United Nations climate change conference (COP25) in Madrid, Spain. This major project, led by a consortium of 19 members, will play an important role in helping the EU reach its target of producing 32% of its energy from renewable resources by 2030, by demonstrating how innovative hydropower technologies can ensure the safety and flexibility of the power system.
The XFLEX HYDRO project was launched today, the 10th of December, during the United Nations climate change conference (COP25) in Madrid, Spain. This major project, led by a consortium of 19 members, will play an important role in helping the EU reach its target of producing 32% of its energy from renewable resources by 2030, by demonstrating how innovative hydropower technologies can ensure the safety and flexibility of the power system.
SuperGrid Institute is delighted to have signed a framework agreement with the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) regarding training and in particular around supergrid and HVDC technologies. This agreement covers lifelong learning, technology research and the provision for scientific and technical proficiency.
As part of PROMOTioN, Super Grid Institute (France) investigates the performance of different environmentally friendly insulating gases