Dynamic control of embedded HVDC to contribute to transient stability enhancement
This paper aims to investigate the impact of the overlaid HVDC systems on stability of the surrounding AC grid.
This paper aims to investigate the impact of the overlaid HVDC systems on stability of the surrounding AC grid.
This paper addresses the problem of fault identification in meshed HVDC grids once an abnormal behavior has been detected.
In this webinar, we will share our technical analysis of HVDC interoperability and present possible directions we can take moving forward.
This paper presents a novel single-ended fault identification algorithm for meshed High Voltage Direct Current grids.
The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) has recently published its discussion paper “micro vs MEGA: trends influencing the development of the power system”, with the contribution of SuperGrid Institute experts.
The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) has recently published its discussion paper “micro vs MEGA: trends influencing the development of the power system”, with the contribution of SuperGrid Institute experts.
This paper points out the challenges to overcome when applying a protection strategy based on a non-selective fault clearing philosophy without DC reactors to an overhead line based multi-terminal DC grid.
We propose a parametric single-ended fault identification algorithm to be used in full selective protection strategy.
Energy Transition for a more sustainable world is now the priority in societies. Towards this objective, especially in Europe, the offshore wind energy development has been relatively rapid. For Offshore Wind Power Plants (OWPP) farther from the shore (50 km and beyond) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) based High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission has become the prominent solution. Replacement of the offshore VSC station by multiple Diode Rectifier Units (DRUs) led to a cheaper, more compact and robust solution. This thesis focusses on various technological and scientific problems involved in the control system of the Offshore Wind power Plant with Diode Rectifier (DR) based HVDC transmission. These challenges are first reviewed in detail along with the state of the art. Then, based on the system dynamics, a grid forming control scheme is proposed by using the P-V and Q-f droop relationships, with a solution for the synchronization of the wind generators. Moreover, some of the selected control solutions in the literature for this topology are reviewed, compared and assessed by using time domain simulations of a study case. Following this, the different solutions for black start of the offshore AC system are analyzed from the available literature and they are compared using the relevant qualitative criteria. The various faults in the offshore system are then analyzed and the above designed grid forming control scheme is extended with Fault Ride through (FRT) capability, for offshore AC grid faults. Finally, a brief analysis is done on the challenges for the integration of this OWPP topology into a Multi Terminal DC (MTDC) network.
Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue has been awarded the Irène Joliot-Curie 2019 Prize in the Female Scientist of the Year category. Congratulations to Françoise for this acclaimed recognition of her work!