Contrôle par Supervision des Réseaux HVDC Reconfigurables
Cet article étudie dans le cadre des SED le contrôle d’un réseau HVDC maillé composé de quatre stations de conversion.
Cet article étudie dans le cadre des SED le contrôle d’un réseau HVDC maillé composé de quatre stations de conversion.
The present thesis investigates the concept of a single-ended fault identification algorithm based on the estimation of the fault parameters.
In this article, the interactions between AC grid and existing VSC control modes are analyzed.
This paper proposes an auxiliary circuit for mechanical type DC Circuit Breakers which enables to use the internal energy of the DCCB capacitor for the line pre-energization.
A distributed supplementary control for embedded Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids to enhance the transient stability of the surrounding AC grid.
This thesis identify the major challenges when considering the application of non-selective fault clearing strategy to hybrid grid structures and to propose solutions.
Abdelkim Benchaib presentation on the importance of adding HVDC links to existing grids in order to increase grid flexibility.
Abdelkim Benchaib presentation on the importance of adding HVDC links to existing grids in order to increase grid flexibility.
Thanks to the Ocean DEMO’s support packages, we will be able to test our innovative offshore technology in real marine environments.
Achieving an efficient and robust AC/DC grids transmission system requires to develop a vision of HVDC role and functionalities in different situations.