PhD Paul Verrax: Transient-based fault identifcation algorithm for the protection of meshed HVDC grids

2021-08-11T17:41:25+02:00April 16th, 2021|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Phd, Tout|

The present thesis investigates the concept of a single-ended fault identification algorithm based on the estimation of the fault parameters.

A Novel Distributed Supplementary Control of Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids for Rotor Angle Stability Enhancement of AC/DC Systems

2021-08-11T16:37:15+02:00January 21st, 2021|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Publications|

A distributed supplementary control for embedded Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC Grids to enhance the transient stability of the surrounding AC grid.

PhD Pascal TORWELLE: “Development of a HVDC grid protection strategy based on hybrid OHL and cable lines”

2021-08-11T17:41:33+02:00January 19th, 2021|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Phd|

This thesis identify the major challenges when considering the application of non-selective fault clearing strategy to hybrid grid structures and to propose solutions.

“HVDC links control to enhance stability and security of power systems”: discover Abdelkrim Benchaib’s presentation at Power Transmission in Asia

2022-11-30T10:50:59+01:00December 8th, 2020|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Conference|

Abdelkim Benchaib presentation on the importance of adding HVDC links to existing grids in order to increase grid flexibility.

“HVDC links control to enhance stability and security of power systems”: discover Abdelkrim Benchaib’s presentation at Power Transmission in Asia

2022-11-30T10:38:31+01:00December 8th, 2020|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Conference|

Abdelkim Benchaib presentation on the importance of adding HVDC links to existing grids in order to increase grid flexibility.

Ocean DEMO awards: SuperGrid Institute is selected for EU funded project

2021-08-11T17:23:20+02:00November 4th, 2020|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Comuniqué de presse, Financement, Systèmes de câbles haute tension|

Thanks to the Ocean DEMO’s support packages, we will be able to test our innovative offshore technology in real marine environments.

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