PhD Amjad MOUHAIDALI “Contribution to the modelling of HVDC cables for electromagnetic transient simulations”

2021-08-11T17:42:37+02:00February 13th, 2019|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Phd|

The integration of new technologies in the electric grids made them more and more complex, and most likely future growth of power grids will be based more on underground cables than overhead lines. One problem here, is that the mathematical model for electromagnetic simulation of power cables still has some shortcomings regarding stability, accuracy and passivity. In this thesis, we evaluate the cable parameters using analytical and numerical methods.

PhD Juan-Carlos GONZALEZ “Transient stability of high voltage AC-DC electric transmission systems”

2021-08-11T17:42:41+02:00February 11th, 2019|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Phd|

This thesis addresses the transient stability analysis of hybrid AC/DC electric transmission systems. More precisely two questions sought to be investigated: What is the impact of a DC contingency on AC transient stability? How can we take advantage of the DC transmission systems as control inputs in order to enhance AC transient stability?

FMEA of a non-selective fault-clearing strategy for HVDC grids

2021-08-11T16:55:33+02:00February 7th, 2019|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Publications|

The Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a technique used to investigate failures in a process or component and to identify the resultant effects of these failures on system operations. In this paper it is explained how the FMEA can be used to define and assess the impact of the failure modes (FM) of a protection strategy for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) grids.

SuperGrid Institute’s project selected for Grid2030

2021-08-11T16:30:13+02:00December 6th, 2018|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Evenement|

SuperGrid Institute and IMDEA joint forces with the support of REE, and created a consortium. This consortium was selected from more than 80 projects. Through the "Reduced Inertia Transient Stability Enhancement" (RITSE) project, SuperGrid Institute will strive to improve the transient stability of the AC networks by coordinating the use of batteries and HVDC links.

Energy Control of Modular Multilevel Converters in MTDC Grids for Wind Power Integration

2021-08-11T16:57:29+02:00October 18th, 2018|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Publications|

The role of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMCs) in HVDC grid greatly differs depending on whether it is an offshore or an onshore station. From the common point in their control schemes, an unexploited ability of the MMC—the controllability of the internally stored energy—is identified in both offshore and onshore applications. The virtual capacitor control, previously proposed by the authors, makes use of this degree of freedom to provide energy contribution to the DC grid. The impact of this control is demonstrated by time-domain simulations of a five-terminal HVDC grid.

HVDC protection criteria for transient stability of AC systems with embedded HVDC links

2024-10-09T10:47:04+02:00October 15th, 2018|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Publications|

The objective of this study is to propose a methodology for the transient stability assessment of a simple but representative AC grid in case of DC fault. After validation of the methodology, some HVDC link protection criteria are defined in terms of the Critical Time to Return to Operation. These criteria will be helpful for the design of HVDC protection systems or for the sizing of future HVDC links in order to respect the constraints of the existing protection strategies.

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