Subsea Smart Hubs joint industry project kicks off
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
SuperGrid Institute will be working with partners from across Europe to shape the future of transmission & distribution grids.
This paper addresses stability issues in multi-terminal HVDC grids with different control strategies for DC voltage regulation. Small-signal analysis compares the robustness of two control options, examining the impact of droop gain, control loop response time, and DC reactors. Findings are validated through EMT simulations.
Watch the recording of our webinar, broadcast live from CIGRE 2024, on functional requirements for multi-vendor, multi-terminal HVDC grids.
Join us at CIGRE 2024: The leading global event for power system expertise! [...]
Rejoignez-nous à la conférence CIGRE 2024 pour une présentation des dernières conclusions du projet InterOPERA sur les cadres fonctionnels pour des grilles HVDC multi-fournisseurs et interopérables. Découvrez les exigences de contrôle et de protection essentielles pour l'intégration de l'énergie éolienne offshore dans le réseau.
New deliverable for InterOPERA - Functional requirements for HVDC grid systems and subsystems [...]
This article focuses on the development of a traveling wave-based protection strategy to enhance the fault-locating capabilities of the array grid’s protection system.
Our CTO Bruno Luscan was recently invited to participate in a workshop to discuss the needs and deployment of carbon neutral power systems.
Sébastien Silvant reçoit le Prix IEEE PES de l'ingénieur de l'année 2024 pour son travail sur l’interopérabilité des réseaux HVDC.