Partial Discharge Defect Recognition Tool For MV/HV DC Equipment
Partial discharges measurement is the most common technique to identify defects and the corresponding risks for Medium/High Voltage equipment.
Partial discharges measurement is the most common technique to identify defects and the corresponding risks for Medium/High Voltage equipment.
We are proud to be revealing our 525kV DC circuit breaker at the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the partial discharge signals recorded with both conventional and UHF methods in DC voltage.
The aim of this paper is to propose a time decoupled simulation method to compute the electric field in case of OPR and S/IMP without losing in result accuracy.
La présente étude propose de compléter les connaissances sur ces nouveaux réseaux époxy-liquide ionique.
Thanks to our recognised expertise in this field, we were involved in producing the CIGRE Technical Brochure 842 “Dielectric testing of gas insulated HVDC systems”.
High current density magnetron impulse discharge (HCDMID) could be used in numerous applications like surface deposition, etching...
They carried out a subcooling protocol that demonstrated the cryostat’s capacity to cool liquid nitrogen from 77 K to 66 K.
One of the suggested solutions is the fluoronitrile (C4F7N), a gas having alone a dielectric withstand 2.7 times higher than SF6.
We have been studying the partial discharge characteristics observed within different gases on our dedicated test platform.