GridForLoads: a new EU project for power grid flexibility gets underway
Grid forming load concept to enable loads to support the grid in the same way as synchronous machines would and provide new flexibility assets to grid operators.
Grid forming load concept to enable loads to support the grid in the same way as synchronous machines would and provide new flexibility assets to grid operators.
This doctoral dissertation investigates a promising application of HVDC systems to tackle severe instability problems: DC segmentation.
SuperGrid Institute valide sa technologie de limiteur résistif de courant supraconducteur associé à un disjoncteur mécanique pour le HVDC.
We delivered an insightful webinar on hydropower hybridisation with IHA and took an active part in Hydro 2024.
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
SuperGrid Institute will be working with partners from across Europe to shape the future of transmission & distribution grids.
This paper proposes a new advanced Fault Detection Algorithm (FDA) capable of overcoming the limitations of the protection system nowadays deployed in DC railways systems.
The glow‐to‐arc transition is a critical phenomenon in plasma discharges, commonly leading to detrimental effects.
France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute annoncent la création de l'Alliance Eolien.
This paper first demonstrates that if there is only one station in charge of DC voltage control, this station cannot provide any real inertia power during frequency events but instead adversely produces a small equivalent negative inertia.