
Nos actualités

SuperGrid Institute launches into the next phase of the Network DC project

The Alpha phase of the Network DC project has successfully come to an end and SuperGrid Institute are getting stuck into the Beta phase.

November 8th, 2023|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Tout|

Améliorez vos connaissances sur l’électricité avec nous grâce à la Fête de la Science

Du 9 au 13 octobre, nous accueillons les groupes scolaires, tandis que le samedi 14 octobre, nous ouvrons nos portes au grand public.

October 10th, 2023|Entreprise, Evenement|

Official launch of the OPHELIA project: a solar canopy demonstrator along the ViaRhôna

The OPHELIA projet will promote the development of linear photovoltaic power plants by launching a solar canopy demonstrator along the ViaRhôna.

August 31st, 2023|Comuniqué de presse|

SuperGrid Institute, RTE and MasterGrid signed a promising partnership agreement for the decarbonisation of the electricity industry!

A partnership agreement to find an alternative to the use of SF6 gas (most potent greenhouse gas) in existing electrical installations.

July 19th, 2023|Appareillage électrique haute tension, Tout|
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