
Nos actualités

Modelling of a 25 kV-50 Hz railway infrastructure for harmonic analysis

This paper presents a methodology for the modelling of a 25 kV-50 Hz railway infrastructure, for frequencies from 0 to 5 kHz. It aims to quantify the amplifications of current and voltage harmonics generated by on-board converters into the infrastructure. A circuit is developed to model the skin effect in the overhead line for time-domain simulations. A new approach, based on state space representation and transfer functions, is also proposed to analyse the interactions between trains.

December 20th, 2018|Power Electronics & Converters, Publications|

PhD Quentin MOLIN “High Voltage SiC MOSFET Robustness study: threshold voltage shift and short-circuit behaviour”

This manuscript is a contribution to reliability and robustness study of MOSFET components on silicon carbide “SiC”, wide band gap semiconductor with better characteristics compared to silicon “Si” material. Those new power switches can provide better switching frequencies or voltage withstanding for example in power converter. SiC MOSFET are the results of approximately 10 years of research and development and can provide increased performances and weight to some converter topology for high voltage direct current networks.

December 17th, 2018|Phd, Power Electronics & Converters|

PhD Quentin MOLIN “High Voltage SiC MOSFET Robustness study: threshold voltage shift and short-circuit behaviour”

This manuscript is a contribution to reliability and robustness study of MOSFET components on silicon carbide “SiC”, wide band gap semiconductor with better characteristics compared to silicon “Si” material. Those new power switches can provide better switching frequencies or voltage withstanding for example in power converter. SiC MOSFET are the results of approximately 10 years of research and development and can provide increased performances and weight to some converter topology for high voltage direct current networks.

December 17th, 2018|Electronique de puissance & convertisseurs, Phd|

SuperGrid Institute’s project selected for Grid2030

SuperGrid Institute and IMDEA joint forces with the support of REE, and created a consortium. This consortium was selected from more than 80 projects. Through the "Reduced Inertia Transient Stability Enhancement" (RITSE) project, SuperGrid Institute will strive to improve the transient stability of the AC networks by coordinating the use of batteries and HVDC links.

December 6th, 2018|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Evenement|

SuperGrid Institute’s project selected for Grid2030

SuperGrid Institute and IMDEA joint forces with the support of REE, and created a consortium. This consortium was selected from more than 80 projects. Through the "Reduced Inertia Transient Stability Enhancement" (RITSE) project, SuperGrid Institute will strive to improve the transient stability of the AC networks by coordinating the use of batteries and HVDC links.

December 6th, 2018|Event, Supergrid Architecture & Systems|

Design of a 1200 V, 100 kW Power Converter: How Good are the Design and Modelling Tools?

During the design of power converter, design mistakes must be avoided, especially for high voltage and high power converters. Simulation tools can be used to help the designers and limit the risks. This presentation will present a design flow approach used to design and validate a 1.2 kV – 100 kW DC-DC converter which was design from die to converter levels and started for a “blank page”. The presentation is organized in four parts. Firstly, the context of the work is introduced. Then, the simulation flow approach used to validate the design is presented. For this part, the presentation will focus on the system level simulation of one inverter, including the power modules. This part will highlight the main limitations of the current simulation tools found by the designers. In the third part, an enhanced approach is proposed to overcome the limitations and the first results are presented Finally, a conclusion will be presented.

November 21st, 2018|Power Electronics & Converters, Publications|

PhD Miguel ROMERO RODRIGUEZ “Supervisory control synthesis for MMC-based HVDC systems”

This work proposes a method for the full development, from conception to implementation, of the supervisory control of a multi-terminal HVDC (MT-HVDC) system.

November 9th, 2018|Phd, Supergrid Architecture & Systems|

PhD Miguel ROMERO RODRIGUEZ “Supervisory control synthesis for MMC-based HVDC systems”

This work proposes a method for the full development, from conception to implementation, of the supervisory control of a multi-terminal HVDC (MT-HVDC) system.

November 9th, 2018|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid, Phd|

Study of Turn-to-Turn Electrical Breakdown for Superconducting Fault Current Limiter Applications

The rational insulation design of a resistive superconducting fault current limiter (r-SCFCL) requires data gathered from experimental setups representative of the final apparatus. Therefore, an experimental study was performed to characterize the electrical breakdown (BD) of liquid nitrogen (LN2) in the peculiar conditions of a quenching superconducting device.

November 2nd, 2018|High Voltage Substation Equipment, Publications|

Arc appearance and cathode spot distribution in a long gap high-current vacuum arc controlled by an external axial magnetic field

An experimental study of a high-current vacuum arc (VA) generated between two static CuCr25 contacts spaced 20 or 30 mm apart was conducted to characterize the arc appearance and the cathode spot (CS) distribution.

October 31st, 2018|High Voltage Substation Equipment, Publications|
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