Nos actualités
[VIDEO] Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids
Watch the recording of our webinar, broadcast live from CIGRE 2024, on functional requirements for multi-vendor, multi-terminal HVDC grids.
Dielectric strength of liquid nitrogen for the design of Resistive Superconductive Fault Current Limiters
Resistive Superconductive Fault Current Limiters (RSFCL) are protection devices that can be used on AC and DC grids to reduce the amplitude of fault currents.
Join us at CIGRE 2024: The leading global event for power system expertise!
Come and visit stand n°265 for our latest innovations, expert presentations, interactive sessions at CIGRE 2024 in Paris from August 25-30.
Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids: Showcasing the latest InterOPERA deliverable at CIGRE 2024
Join us at the CIGRE 2024 for a presentation on the InterOPERA project's latest findings on functional frameworks for interoperable MV HVDC grids.
Superconducting fault current limiters: the future of grid protection?
SuperGrid Institute have been working on a cost-effective, performant & size-efficient superconducting fault current limiter prototype.
ReHydro: Our latest contribution to the European hydropower sector gets underway
ReHydro aims to enhance hydropower's role in the electrical grid by upgrading plants to be more sustainable and flexible.
A special mid-year seminar marking 10 years of collaboration
Learning, laughter, camaraderie and a celebration of our accomplishments, it’s a day to know each other better in a relaxed atmosphere.
New deliverable for InterOPERA – Functional requirements for HVDC grid systems and subsystems
InterOPERA project's Deliverable D2.1 sets out guidelines of functional requirements in HVDC grid systems in a multi-terminal multi-vendor context.
Développement des énergies marines renouvelables : les Instituts b<>com, France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute créent l’Alliance Eolien
France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute annoncent la création de l'Alliance Eolien.
Meeting HVDC circuit breaker market needs with GE Vernova
SuperGrid Institute and GE Vernova signed a collaboration agreement for the development of an HVDC circuit breaker to meet market needs.