
Nos actualités

A special Mid-year seminar marking 10 years of collaboration

Each year at the start of summer, our team gathers for a day of festivities at our Mid-year seminar. Learning, laughter, camaraderie and a celebration of our accomplishments, it’s a day where colleagues can get to know each other better in a relaxed atmosphere, and where our directors can share their vision of what’s coming up in the months to come. This year was particularly special as we celebrated ten years of working together!

July 11th, 2024|Entreprise, Evenement|

New deliverable for InterOPERA – Functional requirements for HVDC grid systems and subsystems

New deliverable for InterOPERA - Functional requirements for [...]

[Communiqué de presse] Développement des énergies marines renouvelables : les Instituts b<>com, France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute créent l’Alliance Eolien

France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute annoncent la création de l'Alliance Eolien.

MVDC circuit breaker: introducing our breakthrough HyBreak technology

SuperGrid Institute have developed a MVDC Circuit Breaker which draws on breakthrough HyBreak technology to protect medium-voltage DC grids.

SuperGrid Institute opens the doors to its hydraulic laboratory at the Hydro 21 “RDV Experts” event

The “RDV Experts” are events organised for members of the Hydro 21 association on key themes surrounding the hydraulics ecosystem.

April 23rd, 2024|Evenement, Stabilisation & stockage|

Shaping Europe’s energy future: sharing our strategic vision with the European Commission

Our CTO Bruno Luscan was recently invited to participate in a workshop to discuss the needs and deployment of carbon neutral power systems.

Sébastien Silvant reçoit le prix IEEE PES de l’ingénieur de l’année 2024 pour son travail sur l’intéropérabilité des technologies HVDC ! 

Sébastien Silvant reçoit le Prix IEEE PES de l'ingénieur de l'année 2024 pour son travail sur l’interopérabilité des réseaux HVDC.

Le projet SiCRET + : comprendre & prévenir le vieillissement des modules SiC

Les travaux visent à comprendre le vieillissement des modules de puissance en fonctionnement normal et dégradé, et en environnement sévère.

March 21st, 2024|Electronique de puissance & convertisseurs, Tout|

OpTEAsoft Wind: a decision-making software to optimise offshore wind-farms’ electrical architecture

Presenting OpTEAsoft Wind, our new simulation software for optimising the design of your inter-array architectures based on your KPIs.

March 14th, 2024|Architecture & systèmes du supergrid|
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