Nos actualités
Focus on hydropower: November highlights
We delivered an insightful webinar on hydropower hybridisation with IHA and took an active part in Hydro 2024.
Subsea Smart Hubs joint industry project kicks off
Subsea Smart Hubs joint project: improving the cost & risk effectiveness of alternative inter-array cabling solutions for floating wind farms
DCforEU, FLAGCHIP & HYNET: SuperGrid Institute a major contributor in 3 new international projects!
SuperGrid Institute will be working with partners from across Europe to shape the future of transmission & distribution grids.
[Communiqué de presse] L’INPI distingue SuperGrid Institute parmi les PME les plus innovantes de France !
France Energies Marines, IRT Jules Verne et SuperGrid Institute annoncent la création de l'Alliance Eolien.
Portes ouvertes pour la Fête de la Science 2024 chez SuperGrid Institute !
SuperGrid Institute portes ouvertes pour la Fête de la Science 2024 Découverts scientifiques autour de l’énergie pour la Fête de la Science à Villeurbanne
[VIDEO] Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids
Watch the recording of our webinar, broadcast live from CIGRE 2024, on functional requirements for multi-vendor, multi-terminal HVDC grids.
Join us at CIGRE 2024: The leading global event for power system expertise!
Join us at CIGRE 2024: The leading global [...]
Functional requirements for multi-vendor multi-terminal HVDC grids: Showcasing the latest InterOPERA deliverable at CIGRE 2024
Rejoignez-nous à la conférence CIGRE 2024 pour une présentation des dernières conclusions du projet InterOPERA sur les cadres fonctionnels pour des grilles HVDC multi-fournisseurs et interopérables. Découvrez les exigences de contrôle et de protection essentielles pour l'intégration de l'énergie éolienne offshore dans le réseau.
Superconducting fault current limiters – the future of grid protection?
With countries racing to produce more renewable energy and electrifying transport and industry, higher nominal and fault currents in our power grids increase the risk of severe grid accidents. Energy infrastructures must evolve to meet these challenges. At SuperGrid Institute, we have developed a cost-effective, high-performance, and compact solution: the superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) prototype. Ask us about it!
ReHydro: Our latest contribution to the European hydropower sector gets underway
On May 28, 2024, the Horizon Europe project "Demonstration of Sustainable Hydropower Refurbishment" was launched in Brussels. Running for four years, ReHydro involves 22 partners from seven countries. The project aims to enhance hydropower's role in the electrical grid by upgrading plants to be more sustainable and flexible.