Ma Petite Planète: 3 weeks of eco-challenges

The “Ma Petite Planète” ecological challenge has come to an end with a bang! In three weeks, our 6 leagues completed no fewer than 1,360 challenges. In terms of impact, this represents:

  • 4,369 kg of CO2eq avoided
  • 486,400 litres of water saved
  • 38 kg of waste avoided
  • 93 hours of training

In our minds, we’ve achieved our objective. The challenge stimulated a great deal of discussion among the staff and introduced several new habits that will continue to make their way into everyone’s daily lives. Some of the challenges, such as the vegetarian week, made a real impact! “It inspired me,” says Florian Lesage. “I’ve always wanted to reduce my meat consumption, which I eat almost daily, but I’ve never found the time or motivation to change my recipes and habits.” Sameh Betamony, ambassador for the Nature’s Knights league, particularly appreciated the human aspect of this experience, which enabled him “to meet new people, like the other ambassadors and the Ma Petite Planète team”.

At the end of this challenge, SuperGrid Institute will convert all the points accumulated by its players into euros and donate the money to an environmental charity, a total of over €2,100! The charity will be chosen together by our 6 ambassadors.

Well done to everyone who took part: together, we’re showing that every gesture counts towards building a better world. And of course, congratulations to our winning league: the Forest Force!