FastGrid : Cost effective FCL
using advanced superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids

FastGrid is a project funding for an amount of 7.2 M€ by the European Union’s Horizon 2020. It started in January 2017 for a period of 42 months. Together 9 academic and 3 industrial partners participate to the development of a superconductive fault current limiter associated with a DC breaker will fulfil the requirement of one the protection strategies of the future HVDC networks. The project is divided in 4 technical main packages.
SuperGrid is mainly involved in the work packages 3 and 4 with the objective to supply and test a 50 kV fault current limiter. The challenge is to propose a cost effective solution integrating innovative solutions for the winding and the dielectric design at low temperature. An adaptation of the superconductive conductor will be necessary in order to get an industrial solution with a high thermal dissipation in case of fault current limitation.
A DC circuit will be provided for the test validation in work package 4. It will be designed to be representative of the technology implemented in the multi-terminal HVDC networks. The complete association DC breaker and SCFCL will be tested in a high power laboratory.