SuperGrid Institute Part of H2020 European Project PROMOTioN
PROMOTioN is a 4 years project starting January 2016, with a 40 M€ EU funding, involving 35 Industrial and Academics Participants. It aims to develop meshed HVDC offshore grids on the basis of cost-effective and reliable technological innovation, in combination with a sound political, financial and legal regulatory framework. Main objectives are the development and demonstration of three key technologies for future HVDC offshore grids, namely:

SuperGrid Institute is mainly involved in the study of protection system, within the Work Package 4: “DC Grid protection system development”. Main contributions will be associated to protection strategies evaluation and comparison from both technical and economical points of views. Different protection strategies will be analyzed, simulated and specified in regards of HVDC grid protection requirements. Full comparison will be completed using existing Cost-Benefit Analysis tool, which will be extended including risk analysis methodology.