New deliverable for InterOPERA – Functional requirements for HVDC grid systems and subsystems
InterOPERA project's Deliverable D2.1 sets out guidelines of functional requirements in HVDC grid systems in a multi-terminal multi-vendor context.
InterOPERA project's Deliverable D2.1 sets out guidelines of functional requirements in HVDC grid systems in a multi-terminal multi-vendor context.
Development of a traveling wave-based protection strategy to enhance the fault-locating capabilities of the array grid’s protection system.
This letter first identifies a new mode of low-frequency harmonic instability when combining grid-forming control with the typical dc voltage droop control necessitated in multiterminal high voltage direct-current transmissions.
Our CTO Bruno Luscan was recently invited to participate in a workshop to discuss the needs and deployment of carbon neutral power systems.
Congratulations to Sébastien Silvant, who has been awarded the IEEE PES 2024 Outstanding Engineer Prize for his work on HVDC network interoperability!
Presenting OpTEAsoft Wind, our new simulation software for optimising the design of your inter-array architectures based on your KPIs.
This thesis studies the opportunities for improving the stability of hybrid AC and DC networks by means of active power control.
The READY4DC project concluded, laying essential foundations for the development of Europe’s first multi-terminal, multi-vendor HVDC project.
In the OPHELIA project, SuperGrid Institute will be responsible for supplying DC solid state transformer for the demonstrator.
The Alpha phase of the Network DC project has successfully come to an end and SuperGrid Institute are getting stuck into the Beta phase.