Flexible DC-MMC Interconnecting a bipole and a symmetrical monopole
This paper presents the flexible dc-MMC interconnecting a bipole and a symmetric monopole.
This paper presents the flexible dc-MMC interconnecting a bipole and a symmetric monopole.
This paper addresses the problem of low-delay location of faults due to lightning strikes from single-ended measurements in HVDC grids.
This paper presents a new dc-dc converter for the interconnection between different grid topologies.
This paper presents its evaluation through simulations in a cable GIS termination under different conditions.
GIS cable terminations present a complexity of geometry and material assembly that makes their design challenging.
This paper proposes a monitoring principle based on leakage current measurements to monitor the state and health of HVDC cable dielectric.
This paper presents an improved version of the Universal Line Model (ULM) also known as Wide-Band (WB) model.
This paper explores how choice of the cable system model may impact the simulated electromagnetic transient response of a MVDC system under fault situations.
DC time constants in different parts are computed and presented in this paper for a cable GIS fluid filled connection assembly.
New DC interrupting principle adjusts the injected counter current to use the vacuum bottle’s interruption capability under optimum conditions.