Direct current circuit breaker with adjustable current injection
New DC interrupting principle adjusts the injected counter current to use the vacuum bottle’s interruption capability under optimum conditions.
New DC interrupting principle adjusts the injected counter current to use the vacuum bottle’s interruption capability under optimum conditions.
This article introduces the MVDC network fault ride-through (FRT) requirement and the response of a DC solid state transformer is analyzed.
This thesis addresses the condition monitoring and the prognosis of the remaining useful life of IGBT modules in a HVDC-MMC application.
This article deals with fault currents return paths in case of pole-to-ground fault in a grounding configuration using surge arresters in all stations except one, which is solidly grounded.
SuperGrid Institute was buzzing with activity again this year for the Mobility Challenge!
This thesis focuses on the study and development of high-voltage components using series-connected silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs.
High efficiency and power density for such transformers are the key drivers for applications in datacenter and EV charging.
We are proud to be a recipient of the Best Paper Award at PCIM Europe 2023! This paper is co-authored with Huawei Nuremberg Research Center.
A novel packaging approach that suppresses or bal-ances the common mode currents is introduced.
Integration of the MV and medium frequency diode rectifier in terms of cooling, dielectric design & chemical compatibility, relying on printed circuit board technology.