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SuperGrid Institute external newsletter

Nos précédentes newsletters

ReHydro kick off meeting in Brussels May 2024

July – September 2024

  • Re-Hydro: our contribution to a new large-scale hydropower project
  • TOV testing services – learn more in our new video
  • Where to find us at upcoming events:
    • CIGRE – New technologies, presentations & more
    • Wind Energy 2024
  • Introducing the FIT Wind Power Alliance
  • A special Mid-year seminar celebrating 10 years of our Institute
Medium-voltage DC circuit breaker introducing our breakthrough HyBreak technology-supergrid

April – June 2024

  • Advising on the European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan
  • Studying silicon carbide (SiC) power modules: the SiCRET+ project
  • PCIM – showcasing our new MVDC circuit breaker technology
  • Seanergy – 4 FIT join forces for the wind energy sector
  • Hydro 21 members discover our hydraulic test facilities
  • Responding to our industrial clients’ training needs
  • Our decision-making software for offshore wind farms OpTEAsoft Wind
New year 2024 - SuperGrid Institute

January – March 2024

  • New Year’s wishes from our CEO Hubert de la Grandière
  • Collaborative project results & future perspectives
  • Where to find us at events this year
  • Successes and priorities from the French Institutes of Technology
  • Culture and fun at our New Year’s celebration
  • Behind the scenes: our corporate culture…
SuperGrid Institute's newsletter

Octobre – Décembre 2023

  • Welcome to our new President
  • MoU signed for our innovative DCCB technology
  • New collaborative projects and ongoing project developments
  • Results on MMCs published in partnership with RTE
  • A new software tool to speed up the electrical design of offshore wind farms – coming soon!
  • Newest member of the International Hydropower Association
SuperGrid Institute's external newsletter: July 2023.

Juillet – Août 2023

  • The latest news from the InterOPERA project
  • Presenting ITE Innovation Projects… a new way of financing your innovations!
  • Join us and become a leader of the HVDC circuit breaker market!
  • Fun and sun at our Mid-Year seminar in Grenoble!
  • Work with us! Discover our current job offers

April – June 2023

  • Our High Power Source test platform is officially inaugurated!
  • Another European collaborative project gets underway: BILASURF
  • Find out where to meet us at upcoming events
  • 2 videos on HVDC functional frameworks and protection now online!
  • Read this IEEE article & get a feel of what it’s like working at the Institute
  • Our latest onboarding day for our new employees
New Year’s wishes from our CEO Hubert de la Grandière

January – March 2023

  • New Year’s wishes from our CEO Hubert de la Grandière
  • SuperGrid Institute coordinator of a major EU-funded project: InterOPERA
  • Successful TOV test on a 525kV DC cable system for Nexans
  • Contribution to CIGRE working group on materials and emerging test techniques
  • End of 2 year CPER project raising awareness of energy transition & future energy professions
Newsletter, november 2022

October – December 2022

  • 5 brand new international collaborative projects
  • Sharing our expertise in hybridisation for hydroelectric assets
  • Spreading the word about energy transition at the French National Science Festival!

July – September 2022

  • Where to find us at upcoming events…
  • We’re back on the INPI podium of French innovators
  • Our Medium Voltage Medium Frequency Test Platform is fully operational!
  • Join us for a webinar on how to improve hybrid AC/DC power system security
  • Our teams tackle climate change in the 2tonnes challenge
SuperGrid Institute joined the consortium READY4DC.

April – July 2022

  • READY4DC – a new European project launches at the Institute
  • Innovative technical concepts – looking for partners !
  • The Tenerrdis energy network visits the Institute to promote a shared project with our Training Programme
  • A visit from the French State confirms our strategy moving forward
  • An important partnership for DC excellence gets under way
  • Where to find us at upcoming events: IEEE DES Denver & PCIM
from our ceo Hubert de la

January – March 2022

  • New Year’s wishes from our CEO Hubert de la Grandière
  • New research results now available online
  • What our clients say about us
  • Multi-terminal HVDC grids – our dream becomes reality
  • The PhDs concluding in 2022 at the institute
  • Where to find us at upcoming events
SuperGrid Institute's latest news: official launch of our HYDRO PHIL test platform.

October – December 2021

  • Our ISO 9001:2015 certification is extended!
  • Official launch of our unique hydraulic test platform
  • All the upcoming events where you can come and talk with us!
  • SuperGrid Institute contributes to CIGRE Technical Brochure on Dielectric testing of gas insulated HVDC systems.
  • A week of discovery at the Fête de la Science science festival
  • Find your future internship with us at our Stage Dating event
SuperGrid Institute's latest news: award at the seminar Premier Cercle.

July – September 2021

  • We are honoured at the Premier Cercle® 2021 Industrial Property Awards
  • Keynote address at PCIM Europe 2021
  • The French Institutes of Technology ‘FIT book’ is published
  • Find us at upcoming events CIGRE & EPE 2021 ECCE Europe
  • Our PhD students take centre stage with ‘My thesis in 180 seconds’
  • Our colleagues listed in Stanford’s world scientists rankings

April – June 2021

  • Our 2020 Annual Report is available to download now!
  • Hosting the 3rd XFLEX HYDRO technical meeting.
  • Innovative solution for integrating DC lines into the grid.
  • SuperGrid Institute team co-authors CIGRE Technical Brochure on DC-DC converters for HVDC grids.
  • Discover the Institute via video on our new YouTube channel!
SuperGrid Institute's latest news: new years greatings from our ceo Hubert de la Grandière

January – February 2021

  • New Year’s wishes from our CEO, Hubert de la Grandière
  • An important step in our relationship with French TSO – RTE
  • SuperGrid Institute’s ITE status reconfirmed by the French State
  • High Current Switch test goes off without a hitch!
  • LOLABAT: SuperGrid Institute leads a work package in a major new European project
  • OCTOPUS: An important new project for the advancement of offshore wind farm technologies
  • Research published in the latest issue of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Two prize winners at the French Chapter IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)

November – December 2020

  • Two prize winners at the French Chapter IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
  • PEA space charge measurement tests available now!
  • Our HydroPHIL platform: the 1st in Europe!
  • Discovering our PhD students’ theses is just 3 minutes!
  • Testimonial from the EPE Association: Working with SuperGrid Institute
SuperGrid Institute officially ISO 9001:2015 certified!

September – October 2020

  • Officially ISO 9001:2015 certified!
  • Our first ever webinar on ‘Unlocking HVDC interoperability’
  • SuperGrid Institute at EPE’20 ECCE Europe and CIGRE 2020
  • Two demonstrations that conclude our participation in the PROMOTioN project
  • Find us at Business Hydro in Grenoble
  • The SuperGrid Institute team shows its solidarity
SuperGrid Institute's latest news: annual report 2019

May – June 2020

  • The French State allocates us an additional €5.7 M of funding!
  • Our first annual report available now!
  • Grid consulting services with CNR & RTE
  • The SiCRET project and our power switch characterisation platform
  • Combined electrical and hyperbaric tests for subsea electrical components design
  • SuperGrid Institute a member of the French Institutes of Technology

March – April 2020

  • The XFLEX HYDRO European project focuses on innovative hydropower technologies
  • OpTEAsoft Wind for offshore wind farms
  • The High Voltage test platform with the latest state of the art technologies
  • EPE’20 ECCE Europe in Lyon
  • SuperGrid Institute at the “Power Transmission in Africa” conference
  • Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue Female Scientist of the Year!