A platform for real time modelling & simulation
of HVDC electricity systems
Supergrid Institute is deploying real-time modelling and simulation facilities applied to the analysis of emerging HVDC electricity networks, in collaboration with OPAL-RT. The new platform is aimed at testing and assessing the grid architectures, the control and the protection strategies proposed by our research teams.
The simulation will be performed using the software HYPERSIM on real-time digital simulators. Based on decades of research by Hydro-Quebec on one of the world’s most complex transmission power systems and further developed by OPAL-RT, HYPERSIM is an ever-improving solution with a proven track record. This solution relies on open architecture, high-speed parallel processing and modular scalability, allowing to simulate and analyze very large-scale power systems.
The PC/FPGA based real-time digital simulators benefit from parallel processing to perform high-fidelity real-time electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation of large and complex systems and an FPGA for high-frequency power electronics applications. The simulator will allow hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing and rapid control prototyping (RCP).

The new infrastructure will also comprise linear power amplifiers to interact with actual systems in a so-called power hardware-in-the-loop setup (PHIL). Small scale multilevel modular converters (MMC) test benches interconnected with the real-time simulators will enable the assessment of prototyped controls taking into account all the side effects possibly brought by the use of real power electronics and real inputs and outputs.
Furthermore, the IEC 61850 international standard for substation automation will be supported by the system. It will be possible to perform HIL simulations with actual devices used within a power system network at the field or process and station control levels. Embedding the control and protection algorithms in real commercial devices will increase the technological readiness level of the strategies developed within the research center.
SuperGrid Institute with OPAL-RT