Celebrating 40 years of the EPE conferences:
don’t miss our experts’ contributions!

SuperGrid Institute is delighted to be taking part in the next edition of EPE’25, from the 31st of March to the 4th of April in Paris. This year’s edition is special as it marks the 40th anniversary of the EPE conferences! Panel discussions, papers… SuperGrid Institute is happy to be making a significant contribution to the conference programme. To make sure you don’t miss out, here’s where to find us!

Power electronics experts will gather in Paris on the 31st of March for the 26th EPE’25 Europe Conference. The European Power Electronics and Drives conference is one of the largest in its field, attracting experts from around the world to join in the discussions.

Celebrating 40 years of the EPE conferences: don’t miss our experts’ contributions!

We are proud to support our colleague Dr. Abdelkrim Benchaib who is playing a significant role in this year’s event in his role of conference Co-Chairman. SuperGrid Institute is also heavily involved in the conference, with numerous colleagues taking part in the National Organising Committee: Bruno Allard (AMPERE INSA Lyon), Seddik Bacha (G2ELab Université Grenoble Alpes), Abdelkrim Benchaib (SuperGrid Institute & Le CNAM), Jing Dai (GeePS CentraleSupelec), Piotr Dworakowski (SuperGrid Institute). They have been working for months to set up an electric conference so make sure you’re there!

Panel discussions:

The EPE’25 conference brings together researchers, engineers, and other experts working at the forefront of power electronics technologies. The organising committees have arranged several panel discussions (ex-industrial forums) for participants to exchange and meet fellow professionals and academics.

SuperGrid Institute has made a major contribution to the organisation of this year’s panel discussions, putting together a programme that reflects the challenges facing the industry; a great addition to the conference programme!

Make sure you find some time between the presentations, posters, keynotes, tutorials, exhibition and social events to get to the heart of today’s industrial challenges and exchange with the guest speakers at these sessions!

Smart grid and renewable energy

Don’t miss the session led by Jean-Baptiste Heyberger & Piotr Dworakowski, on “Smart grids and renewable energy”, with the following speakers:

  • Benjamin Graff, CNR: “Linear Photovoltaic Powerplant: potential development in France and use cases at CNR”
  • Olivier Grellier, SNCF: “Linear Photovoltaïc: use cases at SNCF”
  • Thomas Lagier, ITER: “Power Converters for nuclear fusion applications at ITER”
  • Sébastien Silvant, SuperGrid Institute: “InterOPERA at Crossroads: Advancing Multi-Vendor HVDC Interoperability”
  • Mohamed Rashwan, Transgrid Solution: Keynote summary “HVDC and Power Electronics enabling the energy transition”
  • Colin Davidson, GE Vernova: Grid Systems Integration: Keynote summary “The role of HVDC in reducing carbon emissions”

When: Tuesday 1st of April 2025 – 16:45 – 18: 30
Where: Room: Louis Armand West

Sustainable and Affordable Power Electronics

Pierre Le Métayer will be presenting “DC Solid State Transformer – enabling CO2 footprint reduction of PV power plants” during the panel discussion “Sustainable and Affordable Power Electronics”.

When: Wednesday 2nd of April 2025 – 16:15 – 18:15
Where: Room: Louis Armand East

Scientific papers

Our experts will also be presenting our latest research on a variety of topics: linear photovoltaic power plants, Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converters, modular multilevel converters

Poster session at EPE
  • CO2 Footprint of DC Solid State Transformer for Linear PV Power Plant (n°0237)

Abstract: This paper presents a comparison of the carbon footprint of a DC SST designed for a linear PV application with MVDC collection network, and its counterpart for a traditional MVAC architecture. A method is proposed, allowing to calculate the CO2 footprint of the DC SST accounting for the manufacturing emissions of the PV modules. It is found that the energy efficiency of the conversion chain tends to be less and less significant to the overall carbon footprint as the energy mix shifts towards renewable energy sources. The manufacturing emissions of the conversion chain are thus to be reduced in the future. For PV power plants this can be achieved thanks to MVDC collection network.

  • Influence of the Mission Profile on the Selection of the Leakage Inductance for DAB Converter (n°0254)

Abstract: The Solid-State Transformer (SST) is a key technology to support the massive deployment of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the electrification of several sectors. The Dual Active Bridge (DAB) is a promising topology to be used in Medium Voltage DC (MVDC) networks. However, depending on the modulation and the voltage ratio range, the DAB can present high reactive power and low efficiency at light loads. The leakage inductance is a key design parameter to optimize the overall converter performance. This paper presents a methodology to choose the leakage inductance for four mission profiles (PV, EV, residential and commercial) based on proposed weighted duration coefficients. The methodology considers a DC voltage variation and the change in reactive power and ZVS zones. The results show that the leakage inductance and the MFT design are different for profiles that operate mostly at low powers, such as EV.

  • Design Guidelines for DAB incorporating a Multilevel Bridge with Quasi-2- Level Operation (n°0186)

Abstract: The development of medium voltage DC networks requires efficient DC-DC converters. In this context, the Dual Active Bridge (DAB) with quasi-2-level (Q2L) operation is analyzed as a potential candidate. Power transfer equations, conduction losses and zero voltage switching conditions are derived using Fourier series approximations. Operating principles for multilevel converters are also provided. It is determined that 25° is the boundary of the transition time at which 2L design equations remain valid for Q2L operation. Furthermore, Q2L operation demonstrates superior efficiency during medium to high load operation, due to reduced switching losses, provided the transition time is chosen optimally.

  • An AC fault ride-through control of modular multilevel converters for HVDC systems (n°0174)

If you are attending the conference or would like to get in touch with our experts, please contact us!