SuperGrid Institute is the leader
of a work package in the European project READY4DC

The new Horizon Europe project “Getting ready for multi-vendor and multi-terminal DC technology” began on the 1st of April 2022. SuperGrid Institute joined the consortium coordinated by RWTH Aachen University, alongside T&D Europe, ENTSO-E, Groningen University, WindEurope and Tennet. The first work package, led by our institute, focuses on modelling, simulation frameworks and data sharing for multi-vendor HVDC interaction studies and large-scale EMT simulation.

In a key step towards developing future multi-vendor DC electrical networks in Europe, the READY4DC project will bring together a community of experts and create the optimum conditions for them to discuss the implications of this process, both from a technical and a legal perspective. A set of working groups, open to external participants, will produce position papers that define the ideal conditions for consensus among industry actors, paving the way towards changes in regulation and legal frameworks.

The project aims to collect opinions and chart the latest research on interoperability issues in multi-vendor DC networks from all stakeholders so as to ensure that any technical or regulatory solution will be thoroughly assessed before the actual development of DC grids in Europe. A first set of whitepapers will be delivered in one year’s time and a final report will be produced at the end of the 18 month-long project.

SuperGrid Institute will lead the first work package as well as participating in the other work packages’ discussions. The work package we are leading will assess the issues around modelling, simulation tools and the legal aspects of data sharing. We will detail the possible gaps and technical solutions regarding large-scale EMT simulations, IP and confidentiality during data sharing, and will suggest a methodology for model exchange.

The first kick-off meeting will take place in Brussels on the 2nd of May 2022, to launch the project and provide the consortium members the opportunity to meet in person.