Assessment of the Impact of Split Storage
within Modular Multilevel Converter
The introduction of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the electricity market liberalization have pointed out the need to upgrade the current electricity transmission network. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system is potentially the key. Recent advances in power electronics have allowed the introduction of power converters in power system applications as the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). In the same perspective, grid scale Energy Storage Systems (ESSs) have broadly appeared. The dual purposing to combine both systems can provide a completely new solution. Even though each submodule (SM) within modular converter can have its own ESS, decreasing the number of energy storage submodules (ES-SMs) may be required to reduce the cost. This paper deals with the opportunities to introduce split storage into an MMC. The analysis is focused on the internal energy exchange to maintain the proper function of the converter by using circulating current. Analysis shows that, SM capacitor voltage ripple or semiconductors load are greatly influenced by additional circulating current injection. This study helps to design Embedded ESSs in the converter to provide new function like ancillary services for power system operation. Finally, a simulation of an MMC with ESS confirms analytical calculations.
Index Terms—HVDC, Modular multilevel converter, Energy storage system, Topological analysis
Florian Errigo, Laurent Chedot, Pascal Venet, Ali Sari, Piotr Dworakowski, Florent Morel