Follow up of space charge distributions in HVDC cable
during a Pre-Qualification test using the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method
Follow up of space charge distributions in HVDC cable
during a Pre-Qualification test using the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method
In order to better understand the evolution of space charge and electric field distortions during the application of electro-thermal stresses to a HVDC cable system, the present paper shows the follow up of periodic space charge characterizations on a HVDC cable during part of a Pre-Qualification test using both the Pulse ElectroAcoustic technique and the Thermal Step Method. The focus is on the evolution of space charges distributions during load cycles and high load sequences according to the Cigré TB496 recommendation.
BOYER Ludovic,
MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans, VERSHININ Konstantin, TZIMAS Antonios; General Electric, CASTELLON Jérôme, NOTINGHER Petru; IES Montpellier 2
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